If you have questions or need to contact a board member please email us at: deerlakeassn@yahoo.com or use the form below. Thanks.
Board Members:
(Committee duties in parentheses)
Ferris Lebous, President, flebous@stny.rr.com
Gary Williams, VP (dam, knotweed) gawilliams1281@gmail.com
John Nelson, Secretary (website) johntn@yahoo.com
Bob McCabe, Treasurer robert.wm.mccabe@hotmail.com
Pete Sawicki (clubhouse & other Association properties) petesawicki51@gmail.com
Dan Zembek (water quality) dzembek72@hotmail.com
Rick Galloway (weed harvester) rickndeb@optonline.net,
Ed Hand, efphand@aol.com
Dale Gitchell (roads) 75gitch@gmail.com
Robin Joy (social events, records) joygr77@gmail.com